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    Hair Regeneration - Natural Techniques to Regrow Lost Hair

    发表于 2019-12-04 00:42:30
    Hair Regeneration - Natural Techniques to Regrow Lost Hair

    I normally don't like bad mouthing any clinic but when I think of people out there desperate to find a cure to their hair loss it really annoys me when they're taken advantage of. If a patient came into hospital with a gunshot wound to the chest would you charge him any more than someone with a broken ankle just because it was more serious? Of course not! You'd be mad too never mind sadistic. But believe it or not, when it comes to some hair loss clinics that's exactly how they operate.

    Advanced Hair Studio provide some of the best hair loss treatments on the market and they have built themselves up to perhaps the world leaders in hair loss therapy. They'd be the equivalent of Amazon.com in the retail world. For the majority of people when you think of hair loss and go searching, Advanced Hair Studio is what you'll stumble upon. There are others, of course there are, but how many of them have celebrities advertising for them? Very few I'd say.

    So let's get down to it. Let's say you go in for a consultation and for whatever reason...you sign up to laser therapy. You'll no doubt be offered a six month course where you turn up at the clinic every week for six months and sit in a chair while the consultant positions the lasers over your head and switches it on. Six months down the line you have a full head of hair and presto...you're sorted. Right?

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