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    Almonds, More Than Just a Nutritious Snack for the Diabetic Menu

    发表于 2019-11-15 04:26:48
    Almonds, More Than Just a Nutritious Snack for the Diabetic Menu

    The vital statistics of the DCCT highlight the importance StrictionD Review of insulin doses within a day to have a good control the blood glucose. Now this can be a critical point. Every patient of diabetes require different dose of insulin. For instance, two injections per day are enough for some teenagers to have their blood glucose under control and others may require three or more injections per day to keep things under control.

    However, it is said that three or more injection will produce far better results. Teenagers are old enough to get manage to this dosage, but the real problem arises with kids. Here insulin pump will serve the purpose well, but here more teenagers don't like using these pumps.

    For children younger than thirteen years old, the physicians merely infer from the data available and the general view regarding their physiology and biochemistry that intensive therapy is less beneficial than conventional therapy (especially for infants and toddlers). Physicians believe that they are relatively more protected against eye and kidney changes with conventional therapy. They also believe that hypoglycemia is extremely dangerous for brain development in young children, just because of their irregularities in physical activities and food intake.

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